Thursday, September 30, 2010

Apple Fun

We had a lot of fun today wrapping up our unit on apples. We had an apple taste test and got to taste 6 different types of apples. We will be graphing which ones we liked the best so we can find out the overall class favorite. We also went bobbing for apples at the end of the day. Ms. Davison (our principal) even joined in on the fun! 

Houston and Emma

Mrs. Jewell

Ms. Davison 

Miss. Lousteau

Friday, September 17, 2010

Odd or Even?

Our new "Odd or Even" game was a hit! You and a partner split a deck of cards. You guess if the card on top of your stack is an odd or even number. After you guess, you flip the card over to see the number. If you guessed correctly then you get to keep the card. If you did not guess correctly then you have to give the card to your partner. The person who ends up with the most cards is the winner of the game. 

Bear Ticket Winner

Friday, September 17th

Student of the Week

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Color Memory

We love to play Color Memory when we finish our work! 

Jack, Austin, and Houston

Dane and Aaroh

Bethany and Jacob

Mihane, Emma, and Elliette

Rainbow Fun

Dane showing off his colorful work

We learned about compound words. 

Jackson working hard. 

Ashmi making a colorful pattern using Skittles.

Christian and his journal. 

Cub Scout Cuties

Jacob, Jackson, Christian, and Austin